
  • We would definitely recommend this fab local trainer for anyone who's struggling.

    N. Fisher - Facebook

  • I can recommend this workshop (Recall). I went on it with my pup and found it very informitive, dogs were all under control and safe the whole time. The instruction was clear and patient.

    Angela WB - Facebook

  • Highly recommended! nova was so dog reactive before Neil came to help. I genuinely thought she would be like this forever. shes not perfect but it's such an improvement and shes only getting better! He explained everything nova was doing and why she was doing it. he's taught me how to help her so she can enjoy her life 🥰 his camera skills are pretty good too, caught a cracking picture of her mid zoomies 🤣💖

    S. Law - Facebook

  • Throughly enjoyed loose lead workshop and recall class with Neil of The Crafty Canine, can recommend to anyone looking for training classes.

    Angela WB - Facebook

  • My dog was a competition winner and so far have had only 1 session. But I have nothing but good things to say already. Gives explanations and good information and instructions that put things in to perspective well. Freddie responded well and looking forward to our next sessions.

    C. Busby - Facebook

  • Well what can I say?? Apart from Neil is absolutely fantastic at what he does 🙂jax is picking up training quickly thanks to Neil. Never did I think I’d be able to get him to sit never mind listen. Only our 2nd session and already the difference is outstanding. We both enjoy learning what Neil has taught us and long may it continue. Looking forward to our next training session thanks Neil.

    D. Wilson - Facebook

  • Couple of tired dogs! after their first session with Neil, already showing signs of improvement!

    P. Keefe - Facebook

  • Neil is wonderful! After only two sessions I'm seeing massive progress with my dog Dexter who has reactivity and lead etiquette issues that have been progressively getting worse.... I cannot recommend enough!!

    H P Brockley

  • Couldn't recommend highly enough!! Neil has been amazing with my dog but also in making sure our training plan works with my disability. My dog is reactive and with the training we are doing he was been the closest to another dog then he has been in years and he is happier which is so important. Training isn't done by scaring and shouting which is the last thing i wanted to do with my dog and the proof is in how much my lad has changed in the short time we have been working with Neil. Honestly would recommend him for disabled and none disabled people alike but if you need a trainer who can work with your health needs then he is defiantly the person to reach out to.

    Andrea Evans - Facebook

  • Neil has been a really good help with Max. I have seen a real big improvement in Max's behaviour after following Neil's instructions. Neil has also been quick to reply to questions I have had in-between lessons. I would definitely recommend using Neil to assist in training your pooch.

    N. Frost - Facebook

  • Neil is absolutely brilliant and super knowledgeable! We had a session for loose lead walking and learnt so much in a short space of time! We have plenty of homework to work on but Neil is always checking in with us along the way to make sure we are getting on okay and giving us more tips! Highly recommend 🐶

    Tayla Clamp - Google Reviews

  • Can't recommend The Crafty Canine Dog Training enough. Neil is always on hand to help and support even when it's not during a session. His tips and training have created massive change in my dog Dexter's behaviour and I'm so so grateful! Thanks Neil!!

    Hannah - Google Reviews

  • My staffie is so much calmer and happier when meeting people and dogs. All thanks to Neil's expertise. I would highly recommend Crafty Canine.

    Gill A - Facebook

  • My Bosnian street dog, Seren, and I, have been working with Neil for a couple of months now on training walks, and after trying various multiple online training courses (during COVID) to help her with loose lead walking, her tendency to be a little spooked by things and a little reactivity to certain dogs or people, Seren has really come on leaps and bounds from where she started. We have gone from a dog who almost pulled your arm out of your socket on walks to a dog who is happier, a lot less 'pully', and far more able to deal with environmental distractions including dogs! if this is the progress we have made on our training walks in just a couple of months, I can't wait to see how she is going to be a few months down the line. Neil always uses positive training methods, and is also very in-tune with Seren. He reads both her and the situation very quickly to make sure she is safe and is able to cope with difficult distractions. The result is a very engaged dog with much lower arousal than I used to have to work through. She also gets very excited to see Neil, so I take that as a very good sign! I really would highly recommend The Crafty Canine - Dog Training Wrexham to anyone looking for a dog trainer that helps get you real results! Thanks Neil! Kelsey and Seren!

    Kelsey - Facebook